Year 9
Year 9 is the Option Year, when you will be given the opportunity to choose the three optional subjects you would like to study at GCSE, alongside the Core subjects. Much of the year will be focused on providing you with the information needed to make the best choice for you. Several subjects will also start teaching the GCSE course during Year 9.
Key Dates
Please note that all dates can be subject to change. Students and Parents/Carers will be informed of changes if and when necessary
information evening
Thursday 3rd October 2024: 5 to 6pm in the Main Hall
Year 9 information evening presentation
Parent evening
Parent Evening - Thursday 30th January 2025: 4 to 7pm
Tutor/Grade report - week beginning 9th December 2024
Grade reports - week beginning 17th March 2025 and 30th June 2025
internal exams
Assessment Week - week beginning 10th February 2025
Maths Setting Exams - week beginning 31st March 2025
option dates
Options Evening - January 2025: final date to be confirmed
All homework is now set via the Show My Homework link (Please see below). You can view the homework set by using the filters after clicking on the Green “Homework Calendar” button.
In Year 9, English, Maths, Science, Languages and DT all receive one homework a week.
History and Geography set their homework in the week they have 2 lessons, while other subjects set one homework per fortnight. RE sets a project that goes across the Half Term.
Options Information
We want to enable students to make an effective transition from the largely compulsory curriculum of KS3 to the more flexible curriculum of KS4 and we have changed the structure of the options to provide a curriculum that gives flexibility for some students to take up to 10 GCSEs while others will take fewer GCSEs with alternative equivalent courses.
The core curriculum that all students follow to GCSE level consists of English, Mathematics and Double Award Science. All students are also required to study RE, PE and Citizenship Studies. ICT is developed and utilised across the curriculum. In addition to these ‘Core’ subjects, students are required to select up to 3 subjects from the options listed. Where subjects are shown across 2 options, students only need to select one option choice. This is a guided choice whereby parents, student, teachers and tutor will need to consider how appropriate a particular subject or combination of subjects is for an individual student.
In selecting option subjects, it is important that students have a balanced curriculum. We would expect most students to continue with a Modern Foreign Language, and Humanities subject to GCSE level.
The key to success is to select a broad and balanced set of subjects that reflects the student’s abilities and interests and maximises their future educational and career options. We have tried to maximise choice but this needs to be within realistic (for the student) and practical (for the school) boundaries, (e.g. if only a very few students opt for a subject we may not be able to offer that subject and if too many students opt for some subjects we will have to limit group sizes if we cannot run an additional group).
Choices made should take full account of how many GCSEs it is appropriate for an individual student to study for. There are a number of ways of reducing the number of subjects studied and the number of GCSEs taken outlined in the introduction to this booklet and which will be further explained at the January Options Evening.
Choosing the subjects and the courses students will continue to study is a difficult task and it can be a stressful time. As you read through this booklet with your child we hope you will be able to reach decisions without too many difficulties.
If you find there are questions which we do not seem to have answered, please do make a note and either you or your child can contact a member of staff to gain further information.
To view the options booklet for September 2025 start, please see below:
This year students are making their option choices using the options form, which will be completed in tutor time.
If you have any questions regarding the Options process, please speak to Mrs Keenan.
year team
Miss L Redman - Head of Year
Miss M Sayyids - Assistant Head of Year
AG - Ms L Amirouche
EG - Miss M Maheswaran & Mrs P Nsiah
RG - Miss L Carpenter
SG - Mr H Ash
AO - Mrs A Eggleton & Mr K Beitlberger
EO - Mr D Taylor
RO - Miss M Sayyids & Mrs S Callaghan
SO - Miss S Ahmed & Miss L Richard