National Careers Week!

11 year old Tayla Ackers from Overton Grange School in Sutton knows exactly what she wants to be when she grows up.

The Year 7 pupil is fascinated by the living world and all of the chemical reactions that take place to keep us alive and she wants to be a scientist.

Tayla is one of many students across the UK taking part in National Careers Week (March 3 – 7).

National Careers Week (NCW) is a one-week celebration of careers guidance, the aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways.

According to the Government National Careers website Tayla could be earning up to £50,000 as a biochemist. Biochemists investigate the chemical processes that take place inside all living things, such as viruses, bacteria and people.Fellow pupil at Overton Grange School, Izzy Reeves, also in Year 7, wants to be a chef in a top London restaurant. 

“I love cooking cuisines from all over the world especially perfecting steak,” she said. Izzy could be earning up to £40,000 as a chef, according to the National Careers website.  

Travelling the world as a footballer is the career dream of Year 7 pupil Elijah Teixeria. “I want to be a footballer - I love keeping fit and doing exercise.” Elijah’s salary as a footballer is ‘variable’ according to the National Careers website.

The careers programme at Overton Grange School ensures that all pupils in Key stages 4 and 5 are offered personalised appointments with a qualified careers advisor.

“The careers advisor is central to providing guidance to students on routes beyond school. We also offer regular career classes and careers fairs which are well planned and relevant, and we invite in guest speakers and offer support with interview skills and CV writing.” Said Chris McNab, Headteacher at Overton Grange School.

As Tayla, Izzy and Elijah consider their career aspirations for the future, former Overton Grange School pupils have gone on to some interesting and varied careers, including an account manager in Beijing, a prison officer specialist search dog handler, a clinical nurse specialist, a children's author and, a secondary school languages teacher.

“We strongly believe that all our students at Overton Grange School can achieve wonderful things and have interesting and fulfilling careers,” said Mr McNab. “And it’s great to have the National Careers Week resources alongside what we are already doing in school.”

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