Aims of Overton Grange School
To provide a broad, balanced, appropriate and challenging curriculum with opportunities for all to succeed.
To fully realise students’ academic and personal achievement by focusing on individual potential.
To provide high quality teaching and learning.
To provide curricular and extra curricular opportunities for students to develop as individuals and a community.
To develop and strengthen partnership with parents, Governors and community.
Our Vision
We want Overton Grange School to be a safe, challenging and happy community which prepares learners of today for the demands and opportunities of tomorrow.
Our Ethos
In partnership with parents and the community, Overton Grange aims to provide opportunities for its students that enable them to play an active role in the twenty-first century. As members of a co-educational comprehensive school, students have full access to and experience of the curriculum regardless of race, class, gender, physical ability and religious belief.
The School promotes a sense of self-esteem, responsibility and tolerance in young people. It values and challenges the individual so that they achieve the highest levels of attainment whatever their starting point.
Overton Grange places great emphasis on high academic and vocational standards and has at its heart the development of the whole person. Expectations are high and the achievement of the individual is celebrated. Overton Grange provides a supportive atmosphere based on self-discipline, mutual respect, co-operation and understanding. Students are encouraged to take responsibility both for their own learning and for the environment in which they live.
“The School promotes a sense of self-esteem, responsibility and tolerance in young people”
An ambitious curriculum that inspires all of our students to be successful in their next step and active participants in their future community