Community Links
There are a large number of community activities that are open to families and young people in the borough including a large number of Voluntary organisations.
For more information about these, please download the guide:
Latest News
This International Women’s Day, I’m thinking about confidence - for me and the girls I teach at Overton Grange School in Sutton.
It’s National Careers Week at Overton Grange School, and our students are thinking seriously about their futures.
It’s National Offer Day this Monday (March 3), I know many families will be anxiously awaiting news of their child’s secondary school place.
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions any one can make, shaping their future and influencing their happiness and success
From phishing scams to fake profiles, students at Overton Grange School in Sutton are preparing to outsmart online threats as they take part in Safer Internet Day on February 11th.
Conspiracy theories, false information, photo-shopped images and ‘deep fakes’…
The education watchdog's report paints a picture of a welcoming and supportive school.
On Thursday 16th January 2025, a range of volunteers took part in a Careers event with our Year 9 students.
The 2023 - 2024 Term Dates, including INSET Days, have now been approved. Please click here for more information.