Year 7
Welcome to Overton Grange School
This is the beginning of what we hope will be a very, enjoyable and memorable chapter of your life. There will be lots of new faces, friends and expectations but the Year 7 team will endeavour to make settling in an easy process.
There will be a lot of new things to remember so it is very important that you are always prepared, organised and on time as this will help you greatly to achieve our expectations.
We are very much looking forward to working with you this year.
Good Luck!
Key Dates
Please note that all dates can be subject to change. Students and Parents/Carers will be informed of changes if and when necessary
Parent evenings
Parent Tutor Evening - Wednesday 23rd October 2024: 4 to 7pm (Further details to be provided closer to the date)
Parent Evening (Subject teachers) - Wednesday 18th June 2025: 4 to 7pm
Tutor/Grade report - week beginning 10th February 2025
Grade report - week beginning 16th June 2025
internal exams
Assessment Fortnight - weeks beginning 12th and 19th May 2025
All homework is now set via the Show My Homework link (Please see below). You can view the homework set by using the filters after clicking on the Green “Homework Calendar” button.
In Year 7, English, Maths, Science, Languages and DT all receive one homework per week.
History and Geography set their homework in the week they have 2 lessons, while other subjects set one homework per fortnight. RE sets a project that goes across the Half Term.
Miss N Mesfin - Head of Year
Miss E Barraclough - Assistant Head of Year
AG - Mr Fasisi & Mrs Green
EG - Miss A Brathwaite
RG - Miss Hesdon & Miss Barraclough
SG - Mr Joseph
AO - Miss Ndagire
EO - Mrs Buxton & Miss Craig
RO - Miss Allen
SO - Mr Jackson
Latest News
This International Women’s Day, I’m thinking about confidence - for me and the girls I teach at Overton Grange School in Sutton.
It’s National Careers Week at Overton Grange School, and our students are thinking seriously about their futures.
It’s National Offer Day this Monday (March 3), I know many families will be anxiously awaiting news of their child’s secondary school place.
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions any one can make, shaping their future and influencing their happiness and success
From phishing scams to fake profiles, students at Overton Grange School in Sutton are preparing to outsmart online threats as they take part in Safer Internet Day on February 11th.
Conspiracy theories, false information, photo-shopped images and ‘deep fakes’…
The education watchdog's report paints a picture of a welcoming and supportive school.
On Thursday 16th January 2025, a range of volunteers took part in a Careers event with our Year 9 students.
The 2023 - 2024 Term Dates, including INSET Days, have now been approved. Please click here for more information.